Overview of sessions

Title Description
Session 01 - Introduction Intro to theory 1 - First steps in modeling
Session 02 - Introduction Theories Intro to theory 2; Bischof notation; CFF files
Session 10 - Step 3 in TCM Develop and implement a formal model
Session 11 - Step 4 in TCM Check the behavior of the model in boundary conditions; do a sensitivity analysis
Session 3 - How to define constructs Create proper definitions for the constructs in our Buri model
Session 4 - Bischof notation Learn the Bischof notation for control systems; apply it to Buri.
Session 5 - Visual Argument Structure Tool (VAST) V1.0 Guest lecture by Daniel Leising about VAST
Session 6 - NetLogo implementation of Buri Try to implement your Buri model in Netlogo
Session 7 - Our target theory / NetLogo presentation We get introduced to our target theory / Showcase the Buri ABM
Session 8 - Step 1 in TCM We do the first step of TCM of our chosen theory: Identify relevant phenomena
Session 9 - Step 2 in TCM We do the second step of TCM of our chosen theory: Identify relevant phenomena
Session X - How to write the final report Your task is to formalize a psychological theory of your choice. The goal is not to do a complete formalization, but to demonstrate that you understand the methodological…
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