Session 02 - Introduction Theories / Practice VAST

Intro to theory 2; Apply VAST to Bystander effect

1 Overview

Topic Duration Notes
Homework wrap-up: VAST displays for “diffusion of responsibility” 45
Lecture: “Applying VAST to an existing theory” 60 Slides
Workshop: Formalize the bystander effect theory 90 See Google Drive
[Homework]: Finalize Bystander VAST in group -

2 Workshop (in course): Formalize the bystander effect theory

  1. Create the Construct Source Table for the Bystander Effect. Use the Google Drive template.
  2. Based on the table, create a VAST display. The goal is an easily understandable display: prioritize understandability over completeness and over a maximally truthful mapping of the original statements. Use as few concepts as possible (but as many as necessary). (Why aim for a simple model? Because we want to formalize the model mathematically in a second step, and we need a feasible model for that).

3 Homework (as a group): Finalize Bystander VAST

Deliverables: - Clean up your Construct Source Table on Google Drive - Upload/commit your VAST display in the Homework Repository, subfolder Bystander_effect.