Session 11 - Work on formalization

The groups work on their formalizations


Topic Duration Notes
Groups work on their formalization 180

Tasks for today

Work on steps on the remaining steps (8-11) of the Formalization Steps. You probably won’t finish all steps, but the more you achieve, the less you have to do for the final report.

Remember to restrict yourself: Aim for few phenomena (ideally, only one) and simple theories and models. It gets complicated all by itself!


  • Increase the version (e.g., to 0.3.0) in the CITATION.cff file.
  • Push your current version to the repository.
  • Create a tag, give it the version name (e.g., v0.3.0) and write a short description for the release.

Do these steps regardless whether the theory object currently is in a “functional state” or still in a messy development version.