Session 10 - Theory metadata

We learn how to use CFF files and semantic versioning for documenting digital theory objects


Topic Duration Notes
CFF and semver 45 Slides
Continue working in teams on the new formalizations 90
Teams report on progress 45

Tasks for today

  1. Create your CITATION.cff file, assign your first version number (presumably: 0.1.0). Push it to the repository.
  2. Aim to finish steps 1-5 of the Formalization Steps
    • For Step 4 (“Collect robust phenomena”), write a short paragraph that summarizes your evaluation of the robustness of the phenomenon. (This will be needed for the final report).
  3. Start working on Step 6 (“Create your VAST display”)

Homework due next week, 24.1.2025 (in groups): Work on your group project

Finalize (at least) steps 1-7 of the Formalization Steps, so that you can start working on programming in the next session.


  • Increase the version (e.g., to 0.2.0) in the CITATION.cff file.
  • Push your current version to the repository.
  • Create a tag, give it the version name (e.g., v0.2.0) and write a short description for the release.

Do these steps regardless whether the theory object currently is in a “functional state” or still in a messy development version.