Visual Argument Structure Tool (VAST) V1.0

by Leising, Grenke & Cramer


Felix Schönbrodt

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


November 17, 2023


This presentation is a stump. Please use Daniel Leising’s slides.


  • The goal are precise theories - but in reality, they often are (at least partially) vague and fuzzy
  • VAST allows to make this fuzziness explicit by allowing vague quantifiers of relationship strength, e.g. “weakly positive”, “strong”
    • Better than assigning an arbitrary, pseudo-precise number
    • It’s about formalizing the current state/precision of a verbal theory - if it is imprecise, let’s show it!
  • Show gaps and underspecifications

Explicate different perspectives and analysts

  • Whose perspective is displayed?
  • Who made the analysis?
    • E.g. Analyst Robert displays the perspective of Berta:

TODO Show example.

Notes on the different types of relationships

  • Relationships between constructs can be …
    • on a theoretical level. Then it’s typically a causal path (c)
    • on empirical level: A relationship has been found! This is a prediction path (p)
    • Research cycle: One author’s p-path is the next author’s theoretical c-path
  • Consider what you want to formalize:
    • A certain author’s theoretical point of view at a certain point in time?
    • Or your personal, current point of view?
    • The empirical support for a statement?

Theory vs. Model

In order to translate a theory into a model, one needs to …

  • give a scale to every variable (e.g. by defining it’s measurement/operationalization)



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