Session 02 - Introduction Theories

Intro to theory 2; Bischof notation; CFF files

1 Overview

Topic Duration Notes
Homework wrap-up: Chapter, Git troubleshooting 15
Skill 1: CFF-files & semantic versioning 45 Slides
Lecture: Introduction: What is a theory? 60 Slides
Workshop: Group Exercise: Buri (Level 2) 60 Slides
[Homework 1]: Read van Dongen et al (2023) -
[Homework 2]: Create a CFF file -

2 Homework 1 (individually)

Read van Dongen et al. (2022). Improving psychological explanations. PsyArXiv. and answer the following guiding questions:

  1. What is the role an original authors should play when predictions are derived from a theory?
  1. Are phenomena, according to Bogen and Woodward, directly observable?
  1. What is the role of statistical patterns in the Productive Explanation Model?
  1. List the three steps of productive explanation.
  1. Does Model 3 of the Regulatory Resource Theory explain the ego-depletion effect?
  1. Not every explanation has the same quality. Describe the three quality criteria provided in the paper in one or two sentences each.

Deliverable: Submit answers to the guiding questions as a plain text/markdown file to the course’s Github repo (go to homework/session2 and upload an .md file with your name as filename). You can answer in English or in German. Most questions can be easily answered in one sentence. Feel free to copy and paste the relevant sentences from the paper. If you are tempted to use ChatGPT, better don’t do the homework at all (after all, the goal of this exercise is that you learn something, not that you make your lecturer happy).

3 Homework 2 (as a group)