Session 9 - Step 2 in TCM

We do the second step of TCM of our chosen theory: Identify relevant phenomena

1 Reminder: TCM steps

  1. Identify definitions of constructs and relevant phenomena
  2. TODAY: Formulate a prototheory: Create a VAST display
  3. Develop a formal model
  4. Check the adequacy of the formal model
  5. Evaluate the overall worth of the constructed theory

2 TCM Step 2: Formulate a prototheory / Sketch the existing verbal theory

Goal: Capture the core theoretical relationships - as proposed by the original authors - in a VAST display.

2.1 Concrete steps

  1. Search the literature for theoretical statements about relationships between constructs (only our focal constructs).
  2. Deliverable 1:
    • Enter the theoretical statements in a table
      • Do this in a granular way: each table cell/box should only contain a single statement (which later get connected with different types of relationships). You can split long original sentences into separate atomic statements.
      • Back up all decisions with evidence (e.g., with direct quotes) or justifications (e.g., for deviations from the literature, or when the literature is ambiguous, or when you had to fill a gap). These justifications go into a narrative text that accompanies the VAST display.
    • Assign a unique ID to each statement. In the VAST display, add the ID to each relationship.
    • When you have to extend the original theory, or make some relationships more precise, add the new statements to the table, clearly indicate that this is a new statement from you, and also give it an ID.
  3. Deliverable 2: Extend your existing VAST display. Concerning the arrows, make use of all possible relationship types (where appropriate). Not just “naming (n)” and “causation (c)”, but also:
    • Conceptual Implication (i)
    • Transformation (t)
    • Prediction (p)
    • Reasoning (r)
    Try to model the actual mechanisms and to avoid too big black boxes; e.g., what component of attitudes is exactly supposed to be manipulated?
  4. Deliverable 3: Write a short paragraph with a meta-assessment of the task: How easy / feasible was it to find and extract the theoretical statements, and to convert them into a VAST display? What were the hurdles? What features of the primary literature were (not) helpful?

2.1.1 Example Table with definitions, statements, and IDs

ID Quote Reference Type of relationship Comment
A Mental imagery are “representations and the accompanying experience of sensory information without a direct external stimulus” Pearson et al. 2015, p. 590 n (naming/ definition)
B mental imagery = mental simulation = MI (no reference: We inferred that from the text) n two exchangeable naming relationships for the same construct “MI”
C “Imagined intergroup contact is the mental simulation of a social interaction with a member or members of an outgroup category.” Crisp & Turner, 2009, p. 234 conceptual implication i VAST display

The corresponding IDs from the “statement table” are shown in parentheses at each relationship arrow.

2.1.2 Notes:

A conceptual implication contains multiple cases:

  • hierarchical relationships between categories (being a dog conceptually implies being an animal)
  • but also attributes: Being a “sun” conceptually implies “being hot”