Properties of Theories

What constitutes a good theory?

Felix Schönbrodt

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


What constitutes a good theory?

  1. Inherent quality criteria - before the theory gets in contact with empirical data.

„experimental tests are often superfluous and we should instead focus more on nonempirical evaluations of the quality of our theories” (Szollosi & Donkin, 2021)

  1. Empirical evidence for the theory (“Empirische Bewährung”), usually expressed as relative evidence compared to a competing theory.

Inherent quality criteria

A good theory …

  • defines the variables
  • specifies the domain
  • builds internally consistent relationships
  • makes specific predictions about phenomena that have not yet been observed (only specific predictions, which can also be false, allow falsifications)
  • unifies (seemingly) disparate phenomena

Wenn der Hahn kräht auf dem Mist, ändert sich’s Wetter oder bleibt wie es ist.

More properties of good theories

Slide from Karolin Salmen’s talk @ ZPID

Useful (for a specific purpose), not true

His design for a London underground railway was initially rejected as too revolutionary. Today, the technical draughtsman’s idea has gained worldwide acceptance - Beck simplified the route (only horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines) and ignored exact distances.

One of my favorite theories:


A good theory is falsifiable?

Very difficult topic …

  • Quine-Duhem problem: A failed test always can either be attributed to (a) a core hypothesis (which would falsify / weaken the theory) or (b) an auxiliary hypothesis (“The manipulation did not work; the measurement was unreliable”)
  • Lakatosian defense (blaming the auxiliary, creating new ad-hoc auxiliary hypotheses)

(see Von Nordenflycht, A. (2023). Clean up Your Theory! Invest in Theoretical Clarity and Consistency for Higher-Impact Research. Organization Science, orsc.2022.16122.